We’re keeping up a list of websites where you can order both finished projects as well as supplies and resources for DIY fun.
Let us know if you have suggestions we should include here!
- dotandbo.com
An amazing assortment of decorative must haves
- Plow & Hearth
The source of our media “apothecary” cabinet and our ceramic toadstool garden stool.
- Mountain Rose Herbs
Resource for organic herbs, spices and supplies for making & storing your own mixtures.
- Penn Dutch Tea & Spice Company
Nice little shop with a great selection of teas, herbs and spices in Fredericksburg, VA for those on the East Coast.
- Design Toscano
A source for decorator items in Medieval, Magical, and Gothic style as well as Dragons and gargoyles.
- GaelSong
Celtic inspired items for the home. You can also find such things as crystal balls for the well-equipped witch or wizard.
- Mainland Mart
A great selection of mist fountains, fog-makers, dragon and gargoyle fountains.
- The Magick Wicca
These folks have a really good selection of cauldrons.
- The Noble Collection
Collectibles for fans of Harry Potter,Superman Man, Batman, The Lord of the Rings, Games of Thrones as well as brass sextants, hourglasses and the like.
- The Pyramid Collection
New Age themed clothing, crystal balls, home and gift items.
- Alberene Royal Mail
British and Scottish goods including a nice assortment of tapestries for Medieval décor.
- Online Science Mall
Resources for lab equipment, apothecary bottles, and mortars and pestles for your favorite alchemist or apothecary.
- Red Sky Trader
A resource for all sorts of nautical and Medieval items made of brass, etc. You can also find them on eBay.
- AllPosters.com
Over 500,000 posters and prints available in many sizes to fit any Fantasy Style.
- Dover Publications
Resources for high-quality clip art used in many of the DIY projects we will be sharing, including a line of books with a DVD full of vector images that will scale to any size when used on the computer.